Sunday, August 24, 2008


Apparently, we have a bat in our house. It was bothering my little sheltie dog, Cotter, while he was trying to sleep last night. I haven't yet seen the little fellow, but you can be sure if I do, he won't be long for the world.

Tonight, my cat, Tangles was running around, jumping up on tables, etc. and then I noticed what she was so interested in. Our little bat was clinging to the wall above the stove. Trying not to freak out by the fact that this little creature was in our house, I put on a ball cap (didn't want him in my hair!), grabbed a flat strainer and a coat (to cover him when he got on the floor), got on the chair and tried to swat him.

I missed, so he was flying about in the kitchen, the dog barking, the cat running all over the place. He landed on the kitchen overhead lamp, so I took aim, swatted him, he fell to the ground, and I dropped the coat on him. Internally I was freaking; externally I was calm!

Glad that episode is over.. hope he didn't bring a little friend in to visit!


L.Bo Marie said...

LOL! Barbie.. I loved the image of you batting at the bat! good for you :)
ps, I can hear your voice in your writing.

Barbara Louise said...

Thanks much! and thanks for reading